Registration for Vänerns Pärla Cup 2024

Observera att ni behöver tala om antal deltagare för boende och läger. Se övriga deltagaruppgifter. Backa tillbaka till deltagaravgifter när ni är klara med formuläret.

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You've used CupManager before
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Repeat your email address

You're logged in as {{loggedInAs}}
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Contact information

Choose in which categories to register

Please add your teams (or your participation in individual sports) and also choose what type of registration you would like to do. Read more about the different types of registration

Pojkar 2013 P13  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to P13 Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list
Must enter at least {{tt.primaryAlternative.minPerTeam || 1}} persons Cannot enter more than {{teamTypeAltLeft(,team) || 50}} persons

Pojkar 2012 P12  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to P12 Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list
Must enter at least {{tt.primaryAlternative.minPerTeam || 1}} persons Cannot enter more than {{teamTypeAltLeft(,team) || 50}} persons

Pojkar 2011 P11  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to P11 Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list
Must enter at least {{tt.primaryAlternative.minPerTeam || 1}} persons Cannot enter more than {{teamTypeAltLeft(,team) || 50}} persons

Pojkar 2010 P10  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to P10 Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list
Must enter at least {{tt.primaryAlternative.minPerTeam || 1}} persons Cannot enter more than {{teamTypeAltLeft(,team) || 50}} persons

Flickor 2013 F13  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to F13 Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list
Must enter at least {{tt.primaryAlternative.minPerTeam || 1}} persons Cannot enter more than {{teamTypeAltLeft(,team) || 50}} persons

Flickor 2012 F12  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to F12 Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list
Must enter at least {{tt.primaryAlternative.minPerTeam || 1}} persons Cannot enter more than {{teamTypeAltLeft(,team) || 50}} persons

Flickor 2011 F11  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to F11 Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list
Must enter at least {{tt.primaryAlternative.minPerTeam || 1}} persons Cannot enter more than {{teamTypeAltLeft(,team) || 50}} persons

Flickor 2010 F10  

Full, register for stand-by list {{registration.clubName}} has registered max # teams to F10 Stopped By invitation only {{ cat.registered>cat.limit ? 0 : cat.limit-cat.registered }} places left
Select type of team above Only for recreational teams Only for associations Register team Already registered to category
The team will end up on the standby list
Must enter at least {{tt.primaryAlternative.minPerTeam || 1}} persons Cannot enter more than {{teamTypeAltLeft(,team) || 50}} persons


Norway Cup is a meeting place for children and youths from all over the world, and our vision is to be "the world's largest and most important venue for the joy of sport and friendship". We constantly work with partners on social action projects. The SDGs set out 17 goals to improve our world and we want to encourage our participants to help us take action. Choose one goal that's important to your team and follow our website and social media for fun activities and competitions in the lead up to the tournament. Read more about the SDGs here:

Choose a goal


Specific terms for teams

General Terms and Conditions

Please read the text below and check the box to indicate that you agree to the terms within

Vi godkänner härmed att bilder som tas under cupens förlopp på vårt lag samt anknutna spelare, ledare eller föräldrar kan användas i marknadsföringssyfte för cupen, detta främst på sociala medier.

Då programmet som cupen körs genom inte tillåter ett ja eller nej svar på detta avtal, kontakta vid eventuella avvikelser så kommer detta att registeras, exempelvis om någon i laget har skyddad identitet etc.
Skulle så vara fallet kommer inte cupen att använda fotograferat material på utvald spelare/ledare/förälder anknutet till ett lag.

Detta för att läger och boende ska registreras i vårt system.

Vi vill gärna att ni anmäler flera ledare per lag så att framförallt vår kommunikation via mail går till flera mottagareadresser. Så minskar vi risken att information ej når fram till er.

För övernattande lag behöver vi inför turneringen veta namn och telefonnummer till den ledare som kommer ansvara för laget på plats och sova med laget.

Anmäler ni er som lägerlag så kommer vi ta en tidig kontakt för att lyssna in lite hur ni tänkt och under hösten inför cupen gör vi upp ett schema med träningstider med mera.

Personal information

Choose payment method

This registration needs to be paid by card
Card payment not required since you are administrator

Choose what costs to pay upon registration


To be paid upon registration

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

To be paid before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

To pay at a later date

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

To be paid upon registration

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Choose what costs to pay upon registration


To be paid upon registration

{{payNowCost(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

-{{payNowDiscount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

{{payNowAmount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

To be paid before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

To pay at a later date

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

To be paid upon registration

{{payNowCost(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

-{{payNowDiscount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

{{payNowAmount(true)}} {{klarnaCurrency.toUpperCase()}}

What costs should be included in the first invoice


Will be invoiced upon registration

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Due date {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Will be invoiced later

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

The invoice will be sent before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

The invoice will be sent at a later date

Will be invoiced upon registration

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Due date {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}


Needs to be paid before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateRegistration | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Needs to be paid as soon as possible

{{payNowCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payNowDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payNowAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Needs to be paid before {{paymentConfig.lastPaymentDateOther | date:'dd MMMM yyyy'}}

Needs to be paid at a later date

{{payLaterCost()}} {{currency.code}}

-{{payLaterDiscount()}} {{currency.code}}

{{payLaterAmount()}} {{currency.code}}

Please note that there are teams in the registration that will end up on the standby list
